37% of business travelers have trouble sleeping on the road.
(41% of female business travelers.)
This leads to business travelers reporting:
Reduced Performance 65%
Bad Mood 65%
Fatigue 74%
Irritability 50%
Reduced Health/Wellbeing 66%
Reduced Job Satisfaction 29%
Reduced Willingess to travel 30%
Professional athletes' wellbeing and performance suffers due to lack of sleep,
and over 60% of elite athletes report poor sleep the night before competitions.
Everybody agrees that poor sleep results in poor performance. Reduction in cognitive function; memory, alertness and increased reaction times, but what about your invaluable charm?
Utilizing over 100 years of proven science we built a patented, gimmick free, reliable system to give you your edge back. Put you back on an even playing field with the lucky ones who can sleep standing up in a middle of a thunderstorm. (We don't think you should do that either.) We will give you back the the fairness you deserve. Your job may even be more fun, even if it starts at 11 pm.
The average attrition rate in the tech sector is 13%, in frequent travelers in raises to 24% and higher still in those who can't sleep on the road. REMmedy can reduce this problem and associated costs of recruiting replacement employees. All the while improving the health, wellbeing, contentment and productivity your most valuable people.
To build a first of its kind system we partnered with a world leader in medical device design, world's largest and most innovative fragrance developer and world's foremost conditioning authority. We live by our credo: Performance starts with Preparation.